Rani Kamlapati Mahal, Bhopal


A palace in my sketchbook

A view of the Kamlapati Palace from Ginnori road. 

A very understated building, its beautiful ( and simple) facade catches my eye as I trudge down the road towards the Rani Kamlapati Arch Bridge. The view from the palace of the bridge itself is spectacular. It is less visited and conducive for contemplation and sketching. Although, I would have enjoyed it a lot more without the hot sun blazing down on me! 

What visitors can see now is only part of the original construction built by Rani Kamlapati, the widow of Nizam Shah, the chief of Ginnaurgarh. As per legend, Kamlapati was an enchanting woman, renowned for her beauty.

I read this charming couplet that immortalizes the beauty of the lake and Rani Kamlapati ( from an ASI board) - 

ताल तो भोपाल ताल बाकी सब तलैया 

रानी तो कमलापति और सब रनैया। 

Tal to Bhopal Tal baaki sab tallaiya
Rani toh Kamlapati aur sab ranaiyan

All other lakes are mere ponds, not worth the name
Kamalapati is the only worthy queen,
whatever others may proclaim.

Not a very good translation, but the translation would fall flat :) Basically to say, that nothing else and no one compares to the matchless beauty of the Bhopal lake and Rani Kamlapati. Now, I am curious to know what she looked like :)

All my other Bhopal posts - 


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