Sunrise at Kaliyasot dam, Bhopal


Sunrise at Kaliyasot Dam, Bhopal. I tried to capture what it looked like from the top. A stream ran down a little to the right - with hazy houses in the distance. The sun was dipping into the small stream escaping from the dam, hidden among the trees. There is a loooong stairwell that leads to the top and if you step away far enough - there is this illusion that the stairs are continuing on the other side of the road, whereas in fact, that is the stream with the sun shining down it. I want to try out that visual too -  But that's reserved for another blogpost :) 

What made going to Kaliyasot so much more enjoyable was catching up with friends in Bhopal after a long time! So nice to have a soul tribe, isn't it? 


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