Skygazing in Bhopal

Lying flat on my back on the terrace, it's lovely to gaze at the sky. Clouds pass ever so slowly, and my thoughts drift with them. One day, just before sunset -
I saw the first star appear.
I saw how relative movement is - that time can stand still and the clouds can seem still if there isn't a point of reference,
I felt the earth move in tune with the clouds.An illusion of sorts when you are facing the sky.
I saw that even amid clouds of darkness, the moon burns bright - even if you cant see it, it's there. You just have to wait for the clouds to pass to see the moon peeking through. 

Trying to recreate all the colors that  I saw as the evening stretched into night - which one do you like?


  1. Pink one & the blue one. :)

    Also, hey it's so nice that you tried making a GIF :)


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