A black-naped Oriole in Bangalore


Black-naped Oriole in Bangalore - watercolor illustration

This bird always comes at the same time in the morning and always sits on the same spot on a Ficus tree. On windy, rainy days, she looks just like the vivid fluttering leaves around her. Her striking green and yellow feathers look marvellous in flight. The most recognizable feature is the black band around the nape.  I am assuming it is a she because her wings are greener whereas males are supposed to have more yellowish upperparts. She doesn't stay for long, screeches like someone's throttling her ;D , sometimes ending in a long sneezing sound. She leaves just as quickly as she appears, no dawdling around. 

More posts about birds and trees - 

An Ashy Prinia on the balcony and hope 

Black-crowned night heron at Madiwala lake 

Whited breasted water hen in Belgaum

The Saptaparni tree in Hoshangabad

Fun with Babool tree pods, Bhopal

The Baobab trees of Mandu

Birds in Belgaum

A love letter to the flame of the forest 

Kathotiya forest near Bhopal


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