The baobab trees of Mandu

I had heard so much about baobab trees and I finally had a chance to meet one at Mandu. Mandu or Mandav is an ancient fortress town in the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. It is a place after my own heart with ruins scattered all over the place making it a town of breathtaking beauty. Much more about Mandu later (I haven’t even begun!) Let’s go back to our baobab tree. Fields with yellow and green dot the path to the village and in the midst stand these curious trees.  They have massive trunks that store water. To me, they look like a cross between a bottle and an elephant – and I find their shape comforting.  These trees are native to Africa. I am curious to know how they got here! Apparently, they are among the most ancient trees on earth. 

Locals sell the baobab tree seeds, they are called  Mandu ki imli. They taste like tamarind but have this incredible zing and saltiness. I liked it but not a good idea to eat too much of it (My cavities are tingling at the thought J).

The baobab adds to the mystery of the landscape. After sunset, when the last streak of light fades from the sky, it looks like an outlandish creature in the enchanted land of Mandu.


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