Amaltas in Bhopal

 Trying to paint the delicate nature of Amaltas blossoms - they dangle upside down in bunches and add such a lovely vibe to any neighborhood they adorn. We are fortunate that the lanes outside our house are lined with many Amaltas trees. A beautiful name for a beautiful tree. A friend makes elegant earrings, pendants, bookmarks set in resin to immortalize favourite flowers and the memories they bring :)  and the ones she makes of Amaltas are among my favourites - here, take a look - 

Amaltas bookmarks (Picture courtesy - Jwala Dadhich, guftgu phoolo ki)

Amaltas earrings (Picture courtesy - Jwala Dadhich, guftgu phoolo ki)

        Amaltas coaster/paperweight (Picture courtesy - Jwala Dadhich, guftgu phoolo ki)

Visit Jwala's profile here  Follow on instagram - @guftguphooloki


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