Taj-ul-Masajid, Bhopal
A sketch of Taj-Ul-Masajid A portion of the Taj- Ul -Masajid seen from under the shade of an old old tree - a well spread out one in the vast courtyard, giving much needed respite from the 4 o clock sun. The facade seems to be made for sunsets, glowing a rosy pink and orange in the setting sun, while prayers take place inside. Thanksgiving and grace only seem natural in such a setting. We do sit inside the main prayer hall just before people start milling in and it is magical. The silence and calm hangs undisturbed, the light filters through the windows and you are mesmerized. The Taj -Ul- Masajid ( yes, spelled Masajid) is the largest mosque in India. It is truly beautiful and I hope you get to experience it :)